
Interface IThingBlueMeshDevice

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public interface IThingBlueMeshDevice
     implements IThingBlueMesh

    Provide functions to operate mesh device.

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract void querySubDevStatusByLocal(String pcc, String nodeId, IResultCallback callback) Query all status of current mesh device by local.
      abstract void queryAllStatusByLocal(IResultCallback callback) Query status of the dps' values of all sub-devices.Only for ThingMesh, SIGMesh doesn't support this method.
      abstract void queryAllOnLineStatusByLocal(IResultCallback callback) Query local online status of all sub-devices.
      abstract void publishDps(String vendorId, String nodeId, DpsParseBean dpsParseBean, IResultCallback callback) Send mesh message by dpId.
      abstract void registerMeshDevListener(IMeshDevListener listener) Register to listen to device reporting data, such as dps, online status, bind status, etc.
      abstract void registerMeshDevListener(IMeshDeviceListener listener) Register to listen to device reporting data, such as dps, online status, bind status, etc.
      abstract void registerMeshDevListenerV2(IMeshDevListenerV2 listener) Register to listen to mesh reported data.
      abstract void unRegisterMeshDevListener() Unregister the listener of device reporting data.This is suggested to be used at the end.
      abstract void publishCommands(String nodeId, String pcc, Map<String, Object> commands, IResultCallback callback) Send mesh message by standard dpCode.Only for SIGMesh, ThingMesh doesn't support this method.
      • Methods inherited from class

        addGroup, addSubDev, addSubDev, addSubDev, broadcastDps, getDataByDpIds, getMeshSubDevBean, getMeshSubDevBeanByMac, getMeshSubDevBeanByNodeId, getMeshSubDevList, groupDpReport, isCloudOnline, ivIndexReport, multicastDps, multicastDps, onDestroy, publishDps, publishRawData, removeMesh, removeMeshSubDev, renameMesh, renameMeshSubDev, switchProxyStats, switchRelayState
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait