
Interface IThingDeviceMultiControl

    • Method Detail

      • queryLinkInfoByDp

         abstract void queryLinkInfoByDp(String devId, String dpId, IThingDataCallback<MultiControlLinkBean> callback)

        Query the multicontrol and automation associated with the DP keys under the device.

        devId - The device ID you want to query.
        dpId - The device DP point ID that needs to be queried.
        callback - Callback for the multicontrol and automation associated with the DP keys under the device.
      • getDeviceDpLinkRelation

         abstract void getDeviceDpLinkRelation(String devId, IThingDataCallback<DeviceMultiControlRelationBean> callback)

        Get the key, associated scene and multi-control group of the corresponding DP point of the device.

        devId - Device id.
        callback - A callback to Get the key, associated scene and multi-control group of the corresponding DP point of the device.
      • enableMultiControl

         abstract void enableMultiControl(long multiControlId, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback)

        Enable multi-control groups.

        multiControlId - Multi-Control id.
        callback - A callback to enable multi-control groups.
      • disableMultiControl

         abstract void disableMultiControl(long multiControlId, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback)

        Deactivate the multi-control group.

        multiControlId - Multi-Control id.
        callback - A callback to deactivate the multi-control group.