See: Description
Interface Summary Interface Description IBooleanCallback The Boolean type callback. IBaseUser ICheckAccountCallback Account information verification callback. IWhiteListCallback Whitelist request callback IThirdBindCallback The third party bind result callback IGetQRCodeTokenCallback The interface Get qr code token callback. IUidLoginCallback The interface describes the UID registration login result. IRegisterCallback User registration result callback interface. ILoginCallback The interface describes user login results. IGetQRDeviceInfoCallBack The interface Get qr device info callback. IReNickNameCallback Nickname modification callback. IValidateCallback Captcha gets the callback interface. IResetPasswordCallback The interface Reset password callback. ICommonConfigCallback The interface Common config callback. IGetRegionCallback The interface Get region callback. IHighwayTokenCallback The interface Highway Token callback. ILogoutCallback The interface describes the result of the user logging out. IQurryDomainCallback The interface Qurry domain callback. IUserStorage Provide operation interface for local storage of user information.