
Interface IHomeCacheManager

    • Method Detail

      • putHomeBean

         abstract void putHomeBean(long homeId)

        Add Family Relationships.

        homeId - family id
      • putHomeBean

         abstract void putHomeBean(HomeBean bean)

        Add Family Relationships.

        bean - family bean
      • getHomeBean

         abstract HomeBean getHomeBean(long homeId)

        Get home bean by id.

        homeId - family id
      • removeDevice

         abstract void removeDevice(String devId)

        Remove device by id.

        devId - device id
      • removeGroup

         abstract void removeGroup(long groupId)

        Remove group by id.

        groupId - group id
      • removeMesh

         abstract void removeMesh(String meshId)

        Remove mesh by id.

      • addMeshToHome

         abstract void addMeshToHome(long homeId, String meshId)

        Add mesh network to the home.

        homeId - The id of the home which you organizing mesh networks.
        meshId - The id of mesh network.
      • removeHome

         abstract void removeHome(long homeId)

        Remove home.

        homeId - The id of the home which you remove.
      • removeRoom

         abstract void removeRoom(long roomId)

        Remove room.

        roomId - The id of the room which you remove.
      • removeDevFromGroup

         abstract void removeDevFromGroup(long groupId, String devId)

        Remove a device from a group.

        groupId - The id of the group in which you remove a device.
        devId - The id of the device which you remove from a group.
      • removeDevFromRoom

         abstract void removeDevFromRoom(long roomId, String devId)

        Remove a device from a room.

        roomId - The id of the room in which you remove a device.
        devId - The id of the device which you remove from a room.
      • removeGroupFromRoom

         abstract void removeGroupFromRoom(long roomId, long groupId)

        Remove a group from a room.

        roomId - The id of the room in which you remove a group.
        groupId - The id of the group which you remove from a room.
      • addDevToHome

         abstract void addDevToHome(long homeId, String devId)

        Add a device to the home.

        homeId - The id of the home in which you add a device.
        devId - The id of the device which you add to the room.
      • addDevToRoom

         abstract void addDevToRoom(long roomId, String devId)

        Add a device to the room.

        roomId - The id of the room in which you add a device.
        devId - The id of the device which you add to the room.
      • addDevToMesh

         abstract void addDevToMesh(String meshId, String devId)

        Add a device to the mesh network.

        meshId - The id of the mesh network in which you add a device.
        devId - The id of the device which you add to the mesh network.
      • addGroupToMesh

         abstract void addGroupToMesh(String meshId, long groupId)

        Add a group to the mesh network.

        meshId - The id of the mesh network in which you add a group.
        groupId - The id of the group which you add to the mesh network.
      • addDevToGroup

         abstract void addDevToGroup(long groupId, String devId)

        Add a device to a group.

        groupId - The id of the group in which you add a group.
        devId - The id of the device which you add to a group.
      • addRoomToHome

         abstract void addRoomToHome(long homeId, long roomId)

        Add a room to the home.

        homeId - The id of the home in which you add a room.
        roomId - The id of the room which you add to the home.
      • addRoomToHome

         abstract void addRoomToHome(long homeId, RoomBean bean)

        Add a room to the home.

        homeId - The id of the home in which you add a room.
        bean - The room which you add to the home.
      • addGroupToRoom

         abstract void addGroupToRoom(long roomId, long groupId)

        Add a group to the room.

        roomId - The id of the room in which you add a group.
        groupId - The id of the group which you add to the room.
      • addDevListToRoom

         abstract void addDevListToRoom(long roomId, List<String> devIds)

        Add a list of devices to a room.

        roomId - The id of the room in which you add a list of devices.
        devIds - The list of devices which you add to the room.
      • addGroupListToRoom

         abstract void addGroupListToRoom(long mRoomId, List<Long> groupIds)

        Add a list of groups to a room.

        mRoomId - The id of the room in which you add a list of groups.
        groupIds - The list of groups which you add to the room.
      • addGroupToHome

         abstract void addGroupToHome(long homeId, long groupId)

        Add a group to the home.

        homeId - The id of the home in which you add a group.
        groupId - The id of the group which you add to the home.
      • getRoomBeanBydevice

         abstract RoomBean getRoomBeanBydevice(long homeId, String devId)

        Get room bean based on device id.

        homeId - The family id which you search for a room.
        devId - The id of device which you search room according to.
      • updateDeviceList

         abstract void updateDeviceList(long mGroupId, List<String> devIds)

        Update the list of devices included in a group.

        mGroupId - The id of group which you update devices.
        devIds - The list of devices you update into.
      • getHomeIdByMeshId

         abstract long getHomeIdByMeshId(String meshId)

        Get family id based on meshId。

        meshId - The id of the mesh network.
      • getDevList

         abstract List<DeviceBean> getDevList(long homeId)

        Get a list of devices in the home.

        homeId - The id of the home you search according to.
      • getGroupBean

         abstract GroupBean getGroupBean(long groupId)

        Get a group by id.

        groupId - The id of group you search for.
      • getMeshGroupList

         abstract List<GroupBean> getMeshGroupList(String meshId)

        Get the list of group according to meshId.

        meshId - The id of mesh network.
      • getMeshDeviceList

         abstract List<DeviceBean> getMeshDeviceList(String meshId)

        Get the list of device according to meshId.

        meshId - The id of a mesh network.
      • getGroupList

         abstract List<GroupBean> getGroupList(long homeId)

        Get a list of groups in a family.

        homeId - The id of the home you searching for groups.
      • getRoomDeviceList

         abstract List<DeviceBean> getRoomDeviceList(long roomId)

        Get a list of devices in a room.

        roomId - The id of the room you searching for devices.
      • getRoomGroupList

         abstract List<GroupBean> getRoomGroupList(long roomId)

        Get a list of groups in a room.

        roomId - The id of the room you searching for groups.
      • getHomeRoomList

         abstract List<RoomBean> getHomeRoomList(long homeId)

        Get a list of room in a home.

        homeId - The id of the home you searching for rooms.
      • onDestroy

         abstract void onDestroy()

        On destroy.

      • getRoomBeanBydevice

         abstract RoomBean getRoomBeanBydevice(String devId)

        Get room bean based on device id.

        devId - The id of device which you want to search room according to.
      • getRoomBeanByHomeInDevice

         abstract RoomBean getRoomBeanByHomeInDevice(long homeId, String devId)

        Get room bean based on device id and home id.

        homeId - The id of home which you want to search room according to.
        devId - The id of device which you want to search room according to.
      • getHomeIdByRoomId

         abstract long getHomeIdByRoomId(long roomId)

        Get homeid based on room id.

      • getRoomBeanByGroup

         abstract RoomBean getRoomBeanByGroup(long groupId)

        Get room bean based on group id.

        groupId - The id of group which you want to search room according to.
      • replaceDevGroupToRoom

         abstract void replaceDevGroupToRoom(List<DeviceAndGroupInRoomBean> bizs, long mRoomId)

        Move devices or groups to room.

        bizs - The list of devices or groups to be moved.
        mRoomId - The id of the room that you move bizs into.
      • addDevGroupToRoom

         abstract void addDevGroupToRoom(List<DeviceAndGroupInRoomBean> bizs, long mRoomId)

        Move devices or groups to room.

        bizs - The list of devices or groups to be moved.
        mRoomId - The id of the room that you move bizs into.
      • removeGroupFromRoom

         abstract void removeGroupFromRoom(long groupId)

        Remove group from room.

        groupId - The id of the group you want to remove from the room.
      • removeDevFromRoom

         abstract void removeDevFromRoom(String id)

        Remove device from room.

        id - The id of device you want to remove from the room.
      • clearRelation

         abstract void clearRelation()

        clear all relation.

      • getHomeIdByDevId

         abstract long getHomeIdByDevId(String devId)

        Get the id of the family the device is mounted on based on the device id.

        devId - The id of the device that you search for the id of a home according to.
      • getRoomBeanByRoomId

         abstract RoomBean getRoomBeanByRoomId(long roomId)

        Search room bean by the id of room.

        roomId - The id of the room you search for.
      • addShareDevToPersonal

         abstract void addShareDevToPersonal(String devId)

        Add shared devices to personal.

        devId - The id of shared device.
      • addShareGroupToPersonal

         abstract void addShareGroupToPersonal(long groupId)

        Add shared groups to personal.

        groupId - The id of shared group.
      • getHomeIdByGroupId

         abstract long getHomeIdByGroupId(long groupId)

        Get the id of the family the group is mounted on based on the group id.

        groupId - The id of the device that you search for the id of a home according to.
      • removeShareGroup

         abstract void removeShareGroup(long groupId)

        Remove shared group by id.

        groupId - The id of a group to be removed.
      • removeShareDevice

         abstract void removeShareDevice(String devId)

        Remove shared device by id.

        devId - The id of a device to be removed.
      • getRoomBeanByGroup

         abstract RoomBean getRoomBeanByGroup(long homeId, long groupId)

        Get room bean based on home id and group id.

        homeId - The id of home which you search room according to.
        groupId - The id of group which you search room according to.
      • getHomeMeshList

         abstract List<BlueMeshBean> getHomeMeshList(long homeId)

        Get the list of mesh devices in the home.

        homeId - home id
      • getHomeSigMeshList

         abstract List<SigMeshBean> getHomeSigMeshList(long homeId)

        Get the list of sigmesh devices in the home.

        homeId - home id
      • hasHomeCacheData

         abstract boolean hasHomeCacheData(long homeId)

        whether home data based on homeid

        homeId - the home id
      • isHomeAdmin

         abstract boolean isHomeAdmin(long homeId)

        get home isAdmin based on homeid

        homeId - the home id
      • getHomeRole

         abstract int getHomeRole(long homeId)

        get home role based on homeid

        homeId - the home id
      • addDevListToHome

         abstract void addDevListToHome(long homeId, List<String> ids)
      • addDevListToRoom

         abstract void addDevListToRoom(String roomId, List<String> ids)
      • addDevListToMesh

         abstract void addDevListToMesh(String id, List<String> strings)