public interface IThingHomeSceneManager
Created by Kunyang.Lee on 2017/9/4.
Method Summary
Modifier and Type Method Description abstract void
deleteAllScene(long homeId, List<String> sceneIds, IResultCallback callback)
Delete all scene abstract void
getDeviceTaskOperationList(String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<TaskListBean>> callback)
Get the actions that the device can perform abstract void
getDeviceTaskOperationListByGroup(String groupId, IThingResultCallback<List<TaskListBean>> callback)
Get the actions that the group can perform abstract void
getDeviceTaskFunctionList(String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<FunctionListBean>> callback)
获取设备可以执行的操作(包含组合dp点数据) abstract void
getDeviceTaskFunctionListByGoup(String groupId, IThingResultCallback<List<FunctionListBean>> callback)
Get the actions that the group can perform(contains combined point data) abstract void
getSceneList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all scenes abstract void
getDevSceneList(long homeId, String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get scenes bound to device abstract void
getMemberSceneListCache(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
abstract void
getRecommendSceneList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all recommended scenes abstract void
getRecommendSceneListByDev(long homeId, String devId, int size, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all recommended scenes By device abstract void
recommendSceneSave(long homeId, long ruleId, SceneBean sceneBean, IResultCallback callback)
Save recommended scene abstract void
recommendSceneRemove(long homeId, long ruleId, SceneBean sceneBean, IResultCallback callback)
remove recommended scene abstract void
recommendSceneTrigger(long homeId, long ruleId, SceneBean sceneBean, IResultCallback callback)
Trigger Recommended scene execution abstract void
getSimpleSceneList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all scenes containing simple information abstract void
getSceneDetail(long homeId, String sceneId, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Get scene containing full information abstract void
createScene(long homeId, String name, String background, List<SceneCondition> conditions, List<SceneTask> tasks, int matchType, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Create scene abstract void
createScene(long homeId, String name, boolean stickyOnTop, String background, List<SceneCondition> conditions, List<SceneTask> tasks, int matchType, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Create scene abstract void
createScene(long homeId, String name, boolean stickyOnTop, String background, List<SceneCondition> conditions, List<SceneTask> tasks, List<PreCondition> preConditions, int matchType, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Create scene abstract void
createScene(long homeId, String name, boolean stickyOnTop, String background, String displayColor, String coverIcon, List<SceneCondition> conditions, List<SceneTask> tasks, List<PreCondition> preConditions, int matchType, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Create scene abstract void
getConditionDevList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<DeviceBean>> callback)
Get optional devices in the conditions abstract void
getTaskDevList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<DeviceBean>> callback)
Get optional devices in the tasks abstract void
getTaskDevAndGoupList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<SceneTaskGroupDevice> callback)
Get optional device groups in the conditions abstract void
getSceneConditionDevList(long homeId, int type, IThingResultCallback<List<DeviceBean>> callback)
获取场景条件设备列表,可以传入不同type来过滤设备类型 abstract void
getDeviceConditionOperationList(String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<TaskListBean>> callback)
Get types of operation supported by the device abstract void
getConditionList(boolean showFahrenheit, IThingResultCallback<List<ConditionListBean>> callback)
Get all Conditions abstract void
getConditionListAll(long homeId, boolean showFahrenheit, IThingResultCallback<List<ConditionListBean>> callback)
获取所有动态条件列表包含天气类型 和 动态开放的人脸识别,门锁类型 abstract void
getConditionListAll(long homeId, boolean showFahrenheit, String windSpeedUnit, IThingResultCallback<List<ConditionListBean>> callback)
获取所有动态条件列表包含天气类型 和 动态开放的人脸识别,门锁类型 abstract void
getCityByLatLng(String lon, String lat, IThingResultCallback<PlaceFacadeBean> callback)
Get city information based on latitude and longitude abstract void
getCityByCityIndex(long cityId, IThingResultCallback<PlaceFacadeBean> callback)
Get city information by city id abstract void
getCityListByCountryCode(String countryCode, IThingResultCallback<List<PlaceFacadeBean>> callback)
Get all cities by country code abstract void
sortSceneList(long homeId, List<String> sceneIds, IResultCallback callback)
Sorted Scenes List abstract IThingZigBeeLocalScene
newThingZigBeeLocalScene(List<SceneTask> addSceneTasks, List<SceneTask> deleteSceneTasks)
create zigbee local scene abstract void
getScenePanelBoundList(String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<LocalSceneBean>> callback)
Get all scenes bound to the device abstract void
getAvailableBindSceneList(String gwId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all scenes can be bound to the device abstract void
bindLocalScene(String devId, long dpId, String gwId, String localSid, String sceneId, IResultCallback callback)
Bind the local scene (localSid) to the scene button (dpId) in the device. abstract void
unbindLocalScene(String devId, long dpId, IResultCallback callback)
Unbind the local scene (localSid) from the scene button (dpId) in the device. abstract void
getSceneBgs(IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<String>> callback)
Get the scene background images abstract void
getSceneAppearances(IThingResultCallback<SceneAppearance> callback)
Get appearances of the scene abstract void
registerSmartUpdateListener(ISmartUpdateListener listener)
Register smart scene change notification abstract void
unRegisterSmartUpdateListener(ISmartUpdateListener listener)
Unregister smart scene change notification abstract void
reisterDevSceneListUpdateListener(IDevSceneListUpdateListener listUpdateListener)
Register callback of device related scene refresh data abstract void
unRegisterDevSceneListUpdateListener(IDevSceneListUpdateListener listUpdateListener)
Unregister callback of device related scene refresh data abstract SceneTask
createDpTask(String devId, HashMap<String, Object> tasks)
Create task of device data point type abstract SceneTask
createSceneTask(SceneBean sceneBean)
Create task of smart control type abstract SceneTask
createDpGroupTask(long groupId, HashMap<String, Object> tasks)
Create task of device groups type abstract SceneTask
createDelayTask(int minute, int second)
Create task of delay time type abstract SceneTask
Create task of push message type abstract void
requestRecomMore(long homeid, IResultCallback callback)
Get more recommended scenes abstract void
requestRecomMoreNew(long homeid, IResultCallback callback)
Get more recommended scenes abstract void
getSceneLogs(long homeId, long startTime, long endTime, int size, String lastId, long lastRecordTime, IThingResultCallback<SceneLogResBean> callback)
Get scene log abstract void
getSceneDevLogs(long homeId, String devId, long startTime, long endTime, int size, String lastId, long lastRecordTime, IThingResultCallback<SceneLogResBean> callback)
Get the linkage log of the scenes related to the device abstract void
getSceneLogDetail(long homeId, String eventId, long startTime, long endTime, long returnType, IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<SceneLogDetailBean>> callback)
Get scene linkage log execution details abstract List<SceneBean>
Get scenes in the cache abstract SceneBean
getSceneCache(String sceneId)
abstract SceneCondition
createDevCondition(DeviceBean devBean, String dpId, Rule rule)
Create device type conditions abstract SceneCondition
createWeatherCondition(PlaceFacadeBean place, String type, Rule rule)
Create weather type conditions abstract SceneCondition
createTimerCondition(String display, String name, String type, Rule rule)
Create timer type conditions abstract SceneCondition
createGeoFenceCondition(double lat, double lng, int radius, String address, GeoType geoType)
Create condition of geo-fence typeMust have google geo api key to take effectAfter creation, the next call to getSceneList will activate all automated geofencing registrations abstract void
remove all geo-fence abstract void
getHomeRecommendList(long homeid, IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<SceneBean>> callback)
Get recommend scenes on home page abstract void
removeRecommendScene(long homeid, String recommendId, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback)
Not interested in scene recommendations on home page abstract void
Do something after destroy like release resource -
Method Detail
@Deprecated() abstract void deleteAllScene(long homeId, List<String> sceneIds, IResultCallback callback)
Delete all scene
- Parameters:
- Callback com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getDeviceTaskOperationList(String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<TaskListBean>> callback)
Get the actions that the device can perform
- Parameters:
- the id of the devicecallback
- callback com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getDeviceTaskOperationListByGroup(String groupId, IThingResultCallback<List<TaskListBean>> callback)
Get the actions that the group can perform
- Parameters:
- the id of the device groupscallback
- callback com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getDeviceTaskFunctionList(String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<FunctionListBean>> callback)
@Deprecated() abstract void getDeviceTaskFunctionListByGoup(String groupId, IThingResultCallback<List<FunctionListBean>> callback)
Get the actions that the group can perform(contains combined point data)
- Parameters:
- the id of the device groupscallback
- callback@link com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.
@Deprecated() abstract void getSceneList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all scenes
- Parameters:
- The id of familycallback
- callback@link com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.
@Deprecated() abstract void getDevSceneList(long homeId, String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get scenes bound to device
- Parameters:
- id of familydevId
- id of devicecallback
- callback@link com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.
@Deprecated() abstract void getMemberSceneListCache(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
- Parameters:
- id of familycallback
- callback@link com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.
@Deprecated() abstract void getRecommendSceneList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all recommended scenes
- Parameters:
- The id of familycallback
- callback@link com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.
@Deprecated() abstract void getRecommendSceneListByDev(long homeId, String devId, int size, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all recommended scenes By device
@Deprecated() abstract void recommendSceneSave(long homeId, long ruleId, SceneBean sceneBean, IResultCallback callback)
Save recommended scene
- Parameters:
- The id of familyruleId
- The id of ScenesceneBean
- Scene datacom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBeancallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void recommendSceneRemove(long homeId, long ruleId, SceneBean sceneBean, IResultCallback callback)
remove recommended scene
- Parameters:
- The id of familyruleId
- The id of ScenesceneBean
- Scene datacom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBeancallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void recommendSceneTrigger(long homeId, long ruleId, SceneBean sceneBean, IResultCallback callback)
Trigger Recommended scene execution
- Parameters:
- The id of familyruleId
- The id of ScenesceneBean
- Scene datacom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBeancallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getSimpleSceneList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all scenes containing simple information
- Parameters:
- The id of familycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getSceneDetail(long homeId, String sceneId, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Get scene containing full information
- Parameters:
- The id of familycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void createScene(long homeId, String name, String background, List<SceneCondition> conditions, List<SceneTask> tasks, int matchType, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Create scene
- Parameters:
- The id of familyname
- The name of scenebackground
- Background of the sceneconditions
- Conditions for scene triggeringcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneConditiontasks
- Tasks that the scene will perform com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneTaskmatchType
- Type of condition met: SceneBeancom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean.callback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void createScene(long homeId, String name, boolean stickyOnTop, String background, List<SceneCondition> conditions, List<SceneTask> tasks, int matchType, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Create scene
- Parameters:
- The id of familyname
- The name of scenestickyOnTop
- Whether to show in the home pagebackground
- Background of the sceneconditions
- Conditions for scene triggeringcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneConditiontasks
- Tasks that the scene will perform com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneTaskmatchType
- Type of condition met: SceneBeancom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean.callback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void createScene(long homeId, String name, boolean stickyOnTop, String background, List<SceneCondition> conditions, List<SceneTask> tasks, List<PreCondition> preConditions, int matchType, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Create scene
- Parameters:
- The id of familyname
- The name of scenestickyOnTop
- Whether to show in the home pagebackground
- Background of the sceneconditions
- Conditions for scene triggeringcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneConditiontasks
- Tasks that the scene will perform com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneTaskpreConditions
- Pre-conditions for scene triggeringcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.PreConditionmatchType
- Type of condition met: SceneBeancom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean.callback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void createScene(long homeId, String name, boolean stickyOnTop, String background, String displayColor, String coverIcon, List<SceneCondition> conditions, List<SceneTask> tasks, List<PreCondition> preConditions, int matchType, IThingResultCallback<SceneBean> callback)
Create scene
- Parameters:
- The id of familyname
- The name of scenestickyOnTop
- Whether to show in the home pagebackground
- Background of the scenedisplayColor
- Theme color of the scenecoverIcon
- Icon of the sceneconditions
- Conditions for scene triggeringcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneConditiontasks
- Tasks that the scene will perform com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneTaskpreConditions
- Pre-conditions for scene triggeringcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.PreConditionmatchType
- Type of condition met: SceneBean{@see com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean#MATCH_TYPE_OR} or {@see com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.callback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getConditionDevList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<DeviceBean>> callback)
Get optional devices in the conditions
- Parameters:
- The id of familycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getTaskDevList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<List<DeviceBean>> callback)
Get optional devices in the tasks
- Parameters:
- The id of familycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getTaskDevAndGoupList(long homeId, IThingResultCallback<SceneTaskGroupDevice> callback)
Get optional device groups in the conditions
- Parameters:
- The id of familycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getSceneConditionDevList(long homeId, int type, IThingResultCallback<List<DeviceBean>> callback)
- Parameters:
- 11为支持门锁识别的设备,9为支持人脸识别的设备
@Deprecated() abstract void getDeviceConditionOperationList(String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<TaskListBean>> callback)
Get types of operation supported by the device
- Parameters:
- the id of the devicecallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getConditionList(boolean showFahrenheit, IThingResultCallback<List<ConditionListBean>> callback)
Get all Conditions
- Parameters:
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
abstract void getConditionListAll(long homeId, boolean showFahrenheit, IThingResultCallback<List<ConditionListBean>> callback)
获取所有动态条件列表包含天气类型 和 动态开放的人脸识别,门锁类型
abstract void getConditionListAll(long homeId, boolean showFahrenheit, String windSpeedUnit, IThingResultCallback<List<ConditionListBean>> callback)
获取所有动态条件列表包含天气类型 和 动态开放的人脸识别,门锁类型
- Parameters:
- 风速,可以为空,默认m/s
@Deprecated() abstract void getCityByLatLng(String lon, String lat, IThingResultCallback<PlaceFacadeBean> callback)
Get city information based on latitude and longitude
- Parameters:
- Longitudelat
- Latitudecallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getCityByCityIndex(long cityId, IThingResultCallback<PlaceFacadeBean> callback)
Get city information by city id
- Parameters:
- The id of citycom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.PlaceFacadeBeancallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getCityListByCountryCode(String countryCode, IThingResultCallback<List<PlaceFacadeBean>> callback)
Get all cities by country code
- Parameters:
- The country code of citycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void sortSceneList(long homeId, List<String> sceneIds, IResultCallback callback)
Sorted Scenes List
- Parameters:
- The id of familysceneIds
- The id list of scenescallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract IThingZigBeeLocalScene newThingZigBeeLocalScene(List<SceneTask> addSceneTasks, List<SceneTask> deleteSceneTasks)
create zigbee local scene
- Parameters:
- Tasks added to the scenedeleteSceneTasks
- Tasks removed from the scene
@Deprecated() abstract void getScenePanelBoundList(String devId, IThingResultCallback<List<LocalSceneBean>> callback)
Get all scenes bound to the device
- Parameters:
- the id of the devicecallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getAvailableBindSceneList(String gwId, IThingResultCallback<List<SceneBean>> callback)
Get all scenes can be bound to the device
- Parameters:
- The id of gatewaycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void bindLocalScene(String devId, long dpId, String gwId, String localSid, String sceneId, IResultCallback callback)
Bind the local scene (localSid) to the scene button (dpId) in the device. The localSid needs toCorresponding to a server-side scene, after this scene is bound to the scene panel (devId),editing actions that are not added to the current gateway is not allowed.
- Parameters:
- id of devicedpId
- id of scene buttongwId
- id of gatewaylocalSid
- id of local scenesceneId
- id of scene
@Deprecated() abstract void unbindLocalScene(String devId, long dpId, IResultCallback callback)
Unbind the local scene (localSid) from the scene button (dpId) in the device.
- Parameters:
- id of devicedpId
- data pointcallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getSceneBgs(IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<String>> callback)
Get the scene background images
- Parameters:
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getSceneAppearances(IThingResultCallback<SceneAppearance> callback)
Get appearances of the scene
- Parameters:
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void registerSmartUpdateListener(ISmartUpdateListener listener)
Register smart scene change notification
- Parameters:
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void unRegisterSmartUpdateListener(ISmartUpdateListener listener)
Unregister smart scene change notification
- Parameters:
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void reisterDevSceneListUpdateListener(IDevSceneListUpdateListener listUpdateListener)
Register callback of device related scene refresh data
- Parameters:
- callback com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IDevSceneListUpdateListener
@Deprecated() abstract void unRegisterDevSceneListUpdateListener(IDevSceneListUpdateListener listUpdateListener)
Unregister callback of device related scene refresh data
- Parameters:
- callback com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IDevSceneListUpdateListener
@Deprecated() abstract SceneTask createDpTask(String devId, HashMap<String, Object> tasks)
Create task of device data point type
- Parameters:
- id of devicetasks
- data point tasks
@Deprecated() abstract SceneTask createSceneTask(SceneBean sceneBean)
Create task of smart control type
- Parameters:
- smart scene to create task
@Deprecated() abstract SceneTask createDpGroupTask(long groupId, HashMap<String, Object> tasks)
Create task of device groups type
- Parameters:
- id of groupstasks
- data point tasks{"1": true,}
@Deprecated() abstract SceneTask createDelayTask(int minute, int second)
Create task of delay time type
- Parameters:
- Minute intervalsecond
- Second interval
@Deprecated() abstract SceneTask createPushMessage()
Create task of push message type
@Deprecated() abstract void requestRecomMore(long homeid, IResultCallback callback)
Get more recommended scenes
- Parameters:
- id of familycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void requestRecomMoreNew(long homeid, IResultCallback callback)
Get more recommended scenes
@Deprecated() abstract void getSceneLogs(long homeId, long startTime, long endTime, int size, String lastId, long lastRecordTime, IThingResultCallback<SceneLogResBean> callback)
Get scene log
- Parameters:
- id of familystartTime
- Time of starting queryendTime
- Time of ending querysize
- Count of querylastId
- Query the eventId of the last returned end data, pass null for the first querylastRecordTime
- Query the last time to return the last data execTime, pass 0 that is the first querycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getSceneDevLogs(long homeId, String devId, long startTime, long endTime, int size, String lastId, long lastRecordTime, IThingResultCallback<SceneLogResBean> callback)
Get the linkage log of the scenes related to the device
- Parameters:
- id of familydevId
- id of devicestartTime
- Time of starting queryendTime
- Time of ending querysize
- Count of querylastId
- Query the eventId of the last returned end data, pass null for the first querylastRecordTime
- Query the last time to return the last data execTime, pass 0 that is the first querycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void getSceneLogDetail(long homeId, String eventId, long startTime, long endTime, long returnType, IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<SceneLogDetailBean>> callback)
Get scene linkage log execution details
- Parameters:
- id of familyeventId
- id of eventstartTime
- Time of starting queryendTime
- Time of ending queryreturnType
- Return status details, 0 is all status, 1 is failure statuscallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract List<SceneBean> getSceneCaches()
Get scenes in the cache
@Deprecated() abstract SceneBean getSceneCache(String sceneId)
@Deprecated() abstract SceneCondition createDevCondition(DeviceBean devBean, String dpId, Rule rule)
Create device type conditions
- Parameters:
- device in condition com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBeandpId
- id of data point in conditionrule
- rule of condition com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.condition.rule.Rule
@Deprecated() abstract SceneCondition createWeatherCondition(PlaceFacadeBean place, String type, Rule rule)
Create weather type conditions
- Parameters:
- current citytype
- type of conditionrule
- rule of conditionRule
@Deprecated() abstract SceneCondition createTimerCondition(String display, String name, String type, Rule rule)
Create timer type conditions
- Parameters:
- User-selected time conditions for displayname
- name of conditiontype
- type of conditionrule
- rule of condition Rule
@Deprecated() abstract SceneCondition createGeoFenceCondition(double lat, double lng, int radius, String address, GeoType geoType)
Create condition of geo-fence typeMust have google geo api key to take effectAfter creation, the next call to getSceneList will activate all automated geofencing registrations
- Parameters:
- Latitude of the trigger center pointlng
- Longitude of the trigger center pointradius
- Radius of the trigger centeraddress
- Trigger point geographic location namegeoType
- type of trigger com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.condition.GeoType
@Deprecated() abstract void removeAllGeoFence()
remove all geo-fence
@Deprecated() abstract void getHomeRecommendList(long homeid, IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<SceneBean>> callback)
Get recommend scenes on home page
- Parameters:
- id of familycallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void removeRecommendScene(long homeid, String recommendId, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback)
Not interested in scene recommendations on home page
- Parameters:
- id of familyrecommendId
- id of recommend scenecallback
- callbackcom.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IResultCallback
@Deprecated() abstract void onDestroy()
Do something after destroy like release resource