
Interface IExecuteService

    • Method Detail

      • groupPublishDps

         abstract Unit groupPublishDps(Long groupId, String dps, IResultCallback callback)

        Group control except mesh, sigMesh group devices

        groupId - the id of the device
        dps - the dps that deliver control
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • infraredPublishDps

         abstract Unit infraredPublishDps(String infraGwId, String subDeviceId, String actionDps, String reportDps, IResultCallback callback)

        Infrared device control

        infraGwId - the id of the infrared gateway
        subDeviceId - the id of the infrared device
        actionDps - the dps that deliver control
        reportDps - the dps that deliver report
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • publishDps

         abstract Unit publishDps(String deviceId, String dps, IResultCallback callback)

        Device control other than mesh, sigMesh devices

        deviceId - the id of the device
        dps - the dps that deliver control
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • executeLocalSceneNew

         abstract Unit executeLocalSceneNew(String gatewayId, String sceneId, IResultCallback callback)

        Execute a new local scene

        gatewayId - the id of gateway to execute scene
        sceneId - the id of scene to execute
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • executeSceneMqtt

         abstract Unit executeSceneMqtt(String gatewayId, String sceneId, IResultCallback callback)

        Gateway scenario execution through mqtt channel

        gatewayId - the id of gateway to execute scene
        sceneId - the id of scene to execute
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • executeLocalScene

         abstract Unit executeLocalScene(String gatewayId, String gid, String sid, IResultCallback callback)

        Standard scenario execution. which use gid, sid, gwId

        gatewayId - the id of gateway to execute scene
        gid - similar group id, but not a regular group id
        sid - similar scene id, but not a regular scene id
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • meshDevicePublishDps

         abstract Unit meshDevicePublishDps(String meshId, String nodeId, String pcc, String dps, IResultCallback callback)

        Mesh device control

        meshId - the mesh id of the device, which is useful when the device is a sub-device.
        nodeId - the node id of the device, which is useful when the device is a sub-device.
        pcc - Bluetooth Mesh product category.
        dps - data points
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • sigMeshDevicePublishDps

         abstract Unit sigMeshDevicePublishDps(String meshId, String nodeId, String pcc, String dps, IResultCallback callback)

        sigMesh device control

        meshId - the mesh id of the device, which is useful when the device is a sub-device.
        nodeId - the node id of the device, which is useful when the device is a sub-device.
        pcc - Bluetooth Mesh product category.
        dps - data points
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • meshGroupPublishDps

         abstract Unit meshGroupPublishDps(String meshId, String localId, String category, String dps, IResultCallback callback)

        mesh device group control

        meshId - the mesh id of the group.
        localId - local id, the unique identity of each mesh group in the mesh network
        category - category mark of equipment
        dps - data points
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • sigMeshGroupPublishDps

         abstract Unit sigMeshGroupPublishDps(String meshId, String localId, String category, String dps, IResultCallback callback)

        sigMesh device group control

        meshId - the mesh id of the group.
        localId - local id, the unique identity of each mesh group in the mesh network
        category - category mark of equipment
        dps - data points
        callback - callback IResultCallback
      • batchExecuteDeviceDps

         abstract Unit batchExecuteDeviceDps(List<BatchExecutionDps> batchExecutionDpsList, Integer retryCount)

        Execute the dps of devices in batches.(in fact, common devices also support)

        batchExecutionDpsList - batch execution info list
        retryCount - retry count
      • registerMeshDeviceListener

         abstract Unit registerMeshDeviceListener(String meshId, Function2<String, String, Unit> listener)

        Register mesh device listening

        meshId - The mesh id of the device, which is useful when the device is a sub-device.
        listener - listener
      • registerSigMeshDeviceListener

         abstract Unit registerSigMeshDeviceListener(String meshId, Function2<String, String, Unit> listener)

        Register sigMesh device listening

        meshId - The mesh id of the device, which is useful when the device is a sub-device.
        listener - listener
      • registerDeviceListener

         abstract Unit registerDeviceListener(String deviceId, Function2<String, String, Unit> listener)

        Register for general device monitoring (including Wi-Fi, single-point bluetooth, zigbee)

        deviceId - the id of the device
        listener - listener
      • registerGroupListener

         abstract Unit registerGroupListener(Long groupId, Function2<Long, String, Unit> listener)

        Register group device monitoring

        groupId - the id of the group
        listener - listener
      • unRegisterDevListener

         abstract Unit unRegisterDevListener(String deviceId)

        Remove device monitoring

        deviceId - the id of the device
      • unRegisterMeshDevListener

         abstract Unit unRegisterMeshDevListener(String meshId)

        Remove mesh device listening

        meshId - the mesh id of the device
      • unRegisterSigMeshDevListener

         abstract Unit unRegisterSigMeshDevListener(String meshId)

        Remove sigMesh device listening

        meshId - the mesh id of the device
      • unRegisterGroupListener

         abstract Unit unRegisterGroupListener(Long groupId)

        Remove group device monitoring

        groupId - the id of the group
      • onDestroy

         abstract Unit onDestroy()

        when destroy