
Interface IExtService

    public interface IExtService

    Scenario extend capability

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract String getDeviceNodeId(String deviceId) Get device nodeId
      abstract String getDeviceCommunication(String deviceId) Get Device Gateway ID
      abstract Unit )>executeDeviceDp(<ERROR CLASS> action) Deliver device dp
      abstract Unit )>addGidSid(List<String> cids, <ERROR CLASS> sidGid) Write the gid and sid of the scene to the gateway
      abstract Unit )>clearGidSid(List<String> cids, <ERROR CLASS> sidGid) Remove the scene's gid and sid from the gateway
      abstract Unit registerGwMqttListener(Function4<Integer, String, List<String>, List<Integer>, Unit> listener) Register gateway listener
      abstract Unit unRegisterGwMqttListener() Remove gateway listener
      abstract Unit registerDeviceListener(String deviceId, Function2<String, String, Unit> listener) Register device listener
      abstract Unit unRegisterDevListener(String deviceId) Remove device listener
      abstract Boolean isDeviceDpOk(String devId, Map<String, Object> executorProperty) Determine whether the real dp state of the device is the same as the state to be set
      abstract Boolean isModeWR(String devId, Map<String, Object> executorProperty) Determine whether the device dp is a write-only type
      abstract Boolean ,String)>groupHasDevice(<ERROR CLASS> action, String deviceId) Determine if a group contains a device
      abstract Unit getGuideBannerAll(IResultCallback<<ERROR CLASS>> callback) Get scene guide list
      abstract Unit getSceneStyle(IResultCallback<<ERROR CLASS>> callback) Get a list of scene styles
      abstract DeviceBean getDevice(String deviceId) Get a device bean
      abstract GroupBean getGroupDevice(Long groupId) Get a group bean
      abstract List<DeviceBean> getGroupDevices(Long groupId) Get a list of devices in a group
      abstract Unit removeAllGeofence() Remove all geofences
      abstract Unit ,IResultCallback)>addGeofence(<ERROR CLASS> geofenceCondition, IResultCallback<Unit> listener) Add geofencing registration
      abstract Unit removeGeofence(String geofenceId, IResultCallback<Unit> listener) Remove geofence registration
      abstract Unit resetGeofence() Reset geofence
      abstract Unit removeRoomRules(Long relationId, String roomId, String ruleIds, IResultCallback<Boolean> listener) 房间移除规则
      abstract Unit sortRoomRule(Long relationId, String roomId, String ruleIds, IResultCallback<Boolean> listener) 房间下场景规则排序
      abstract Unit onDestroy() when destroy
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getDeviceNodeId

         abstract String getDeviceNodeId(String deviceId)

        Get device nodeId

        deviceId - the id of the device
      • getDeviceCommunication

         abstract String getDeviceCommunication(String deviceId)

        Get Device Gateway ID

        deviceId - the id of the device
      • executeDeviceDp

         abstract Unit )>executeDeviceDp(<ERROR CLASS> action)

        Deliver device dp

        action - the action of the scene SceneAction
      • addGidSid

         abstract Unit )>addGidSid(List<String> cids, <ERROR CLASS> sidGid)

        Write the gid and sid of the scene to the gateway

        cids - the child node ids under same gateway
        sidGid - sid, gid, gwId in StandardSceneInfo
      • clearGidSid

         abstract Unit )>clearGidSid(List<String> cids, <ERROR CLASS> sidGid)

        Remove the scene's gid and sid from the gateway

        cids - the child node ids
        sidGid - sid, gid, gwId in StandardSceneInfo
      • registerGwMqttListener

         abstract Unit registerGwMqttListener(Function4<Integer, String, List<String>, List<Integer>, Unit> listener)

        Register gateway listener

        listener - listener
      • registerDeviceListener

         abstract Unit registerDeviceListener(String deviceId, Function2<String, String, Unit> listener)

        Register device listener

        deviceId - the id of the device
        listener - listener
      • unRegisterDevListener

         abstract Unit unRegisterDevListener(String deviceId)

        Remove device listener

        deviceId - the id of the device
      • isDeviceDpOk

         abstract Boolean isDeviceDpOk(String devId, Map<String, Object> executorProperty)

        Determine whether the real dp state of the device is the same as the state to be set

        devId - the id of the device
        executorProperty - the dps to be execute
      • isModeWR

         abstract Boolean isModeWR(String devId, Map<String, Object> executorProperty)

        Determine whether the device dp is a write-only type

        devId - the id of the device
        executorProperty - the dps to be judge
      • groupHasDevice

         abstract Boolean ,String)>groupHasDevice(<ERROR CLASS> action, String deviceId)

        Determine if a group contains a device

        action - the action of the scene
        deviceId - the id of the device
      • getDevice

         abstract DeviceBean getDevice(String deviceId)

        Get a device bean

        deviceId - the id of the device
      • getGroupDevice

         abstract GroupBean getGroupDevice(Long groupId)

        Get a group bean

        groupId - the id of the group
      • getGroupDevices

         abstract List<DeviceBean> getGroupDevices(Long groupId)

        Get a list of devices in a group

        groupId - the id of the group
      • removeRoomRules

         abstract Unit removeRoomRules(Long relationId, String roomId, String ruleIds, IResultCallback<Boolean> listener)


      • sortRoomRule

         abstract Unit sortRoomRule(Long relationId, String roomId, String ruleIds, IResultCallback<Boolean> listener)


      • onDestroy

         abstract Unit onDestroy()

        when destroy