
Interface IMeshDevListener

    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract void onDpUpdate(String nodeId, String dpStr, boolean isFromLocal) The updated dps of device
      abstract void onStatusChanged(List<String> onlines, List<String> offlines, String fromGwId) The online status of devices.
      abstract void onNetworkStatusChanged(String meshId, boolean status) The network status of device.
      abstract void onRawDataUpdate(Array<byte> rawData) Byte array type data reported by the device.
      abstract void onDevInfoUpdate(String devId) Device info updated, such as device name, device icon, etc.
      abstract void onRemoved(String devId) Removed from the server.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • onDpUpdate

         abstract void onDpUpdate(String nodeId, String dpStr, boolean isFromLocal)

        The updated dps of device

        nodeId - Thing nodeId
        dpStr - Json string of dps
        isFromLocal - If the dps come from local, this value is true
      • onStatusChanged

         abstract void onStatusChanged(List<String> onlines, List<String> offlines, String fromGwId)

        The online status of devices.

        onlines - Online nodeIds of device
        offlines - Offline nodeIds of device
        fromGwId - If the status come from a gateway, then the devId of the gateway represented by this parameter, otherwise it is empty
      • onRawDataUpdate

         abstract void onRawDataUpdate(Array<byte> rawData)

        Byte array type data reported by the device.

        rawData - Byte array type data