BWAdvData | 在鉴权接口上新增 psk 安全等级的信息 该信息是从待配网的 BW 设备的发出的广播获取,具体解析见 BWScanFilter |
BWAuthData | 闪电配网的必要信息,适用于 beacon Wi-Fi 类设备 该信息是从待配网的 BW 设备的发出的广播获取,具体解析见 BWScanFilter |
BWFlashData | |
BWFlashPackage | |
BeaconMeshBean | |
BlueMeshBean | Definition of mesh attributes. |
BlueMeshGroupBean | Definition of Thing group attributes. |
BlueMeshModuleMapBean | Mesh gateway attributes. |
BlueMeshRelationDevBean | Corresponding to the attributes of DeviceBean. |
BlueMeshRoomBean | Mesh room attributes. |
BlueMeshShareBean | Shared mesh device attributes. |
BlueMeshSubDevBean | |
BlueMeshWifiStatusBean | Mesh gateway status. |
BluetoothStatusBean | Bluetooth module status. |
SigMeshBean | Created by zhusg on 2019/2/26. |
BatchExecutionDps | |
BatchQuery | batch query bean |
CloudZigbeeGroupCreateBean | Describes the entities created by ZigBee groups. |
DevUpgradeStatus | Device upgrade status. |
DeviceBean | Describe the device model. |
DpBean | |
DpsInfoBean | author : yuzhouxu date : 2021/8/13 14:50 description : |
GroupBean | An entity that describes group information. |
GroupDeviceBean | Describes information about individual device entities within a group. |
IsSupportOffLineBean | |
LocalKeyBean | |
OffLineStatusBean | Created by huguang on 2021-09-17 |
SchemaInfo | Schema of data points. |
ProductBean | |
ProductPanelInfoBean | |
FunctionSchemaBean | |
StatusSchemaBean | |
ProductStandardConfig | Standard product schema config. |
ShortCutBean | |
SpeechTTSBean | author : JulyYu date : 2019/5/17 |
FunctionSchemaListBean | |
StatusSchemaListBean | |
StandSchema | Deprecated. |
SubDeviceDpEvent | |
ThingSmartThingAction | |
ThingSmartThingEvent | |
ThingSmartThingModel | |
ThingSmartThingProperty | |
ThingSmartThingServiceModel | |
UiComponent | |
UiInfo | Control panel information for ReactNative panel. |
ZigbeeGroupCreateResultBean | Entities that describe zigbee groups to create results. |
MatterQrCodeInfo | |
NocChainInfo | |
ProductCloudFileBean | dp引擎转换文件 |
WiFiScanResult | Created by huguang on 11-14-2022 |
OperationalFabricInfo | |
BaseDiscoveryInfo | |
PairMatterBuilder | Created by huguang on 03-29-2023 |
MatterDiscoveryInfo | DNS-SD 发现广播包字段,其中discriminator和 commissioningMode(默认0) 字段可认为一定存在,其他字段都可没有。 |
OpenFabricInfo | |
ConnectResult | Created by huguang on 04-08-2023 |
ThingMatterPairInfoBean | Created by huguang on 04-21-2023 |
Builder | |
CommissioningParameters | Created by huguang on 11-09-2022 |
ThingMatterProductInfoBean | Created by huguang on 04-21-2023 |
ThirdMatterActiveBean | |
ConnectDeviceBuilder | Created by huguang on 04-03-2023 |
ThreadNetworkInfoBean | thread 配网信息 |
MatterFeatureInfo | |
EstablishResult | Created by huguang on 11-13-2022 |
ThingMatterAttributeBasicInfo | Created by huguang on 06-05-2023 |
BleDiscoveryResult | |
DiscoveryResult | 发现结果 |
ThingMatterDiscovery | Created by huguang on 03-29-2023 |
DeviceNodeBean | |
MatterProductInfoBean | |
ThingMatterDeviceBean | |
UuidInfo | |
ThreadBleActiveBean | |
ThingMatterDataPoint | |
ThreadNetworkScanResult | Created by huguang on 11-16-2022 |
PASEParametersBuilder | |
PASEParameters | |
GroupShareBean | Describes the shared group data model. |
ShareIdBean | Collection of device information for batch device sharing |
LocationInfo | |
ThingGeoFence | |
SubDevInstallBean | |
Builder | |
ResumeActivatorBean | |
PauseStateData | |
QrScanBean | |
RouterConfigData | |
Builder | |
ApQueryBuilder | |
Builder | |
MultiModeQueryBuilder | |
Builder | |
MultiModeActivatorBuilder | |
Builder | |
ApActivatorBuilder | |
BleActivatorBean | Bean for activator of single ble. |
ConnectTypeBean | |
MultiModeActivatorBean | Bean for activator of multi-mode device. |
BaseActivatorBean | |
Builder | |
MultiModeActivatorConfig | |
RouterResponseConfig | |
BroadResponseConType | |