- IActionService - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- Scenario task capability
- IActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Interface IActivator.
- IAddGroupCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Created by letian on 2017/7/13.
- IAddRemoteBindSubDevCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Created by letian on 2017/6/3.
- IAddRoomCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Created by letian on 2017/7/13.
- IAddSubDevCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Created by letian on 2017/6/3.
- IApConnectListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.config
- Created by letian on 16/3/29.
- IAppDpParserPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- create by dongdaqingmibo 2023/8/29 14:49
- IAtopUrlConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- Atop url config
- IBaseConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.config.api
- IBaseConnectListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.config
- Created by mikeshou on 15/9/1.
- IBaseService - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- Scenario-based addition, deletion, modification and query capabilities
- IBaseUser - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- IBatchExecutionManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- batch dp control and query
- IBeaconFilterManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.bluet.api
- IBleActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Interface activator of single ble.
- IBleActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Listener for activator of single ble.
- IBleThroughDataListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- IBleWifiActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IBlueMeshActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Created by letian on 2017/8/29.
- IBlueMeshCreateCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Callback for create ThingMesh result.
- IBlueMeshManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Provide BlueMeshBean operation interface.
- IBlueMeshProperty - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache
- IBoolDp - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api
- create by dongdaqingmibo 2023/8/29 15:31
- IBooleanCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The Boolean type callback.
- ICacheKey - class in com.thingclips.smart.cache.api
- The cache key for keyMust override equals and hashCode method, and the no params constructor.
- ICacheManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.cache.api
- The cache manager
- ICacheStore - class in com.thingclips.smart.cache.api
- The cache store interface, you can implement memory caching and disk caching by yourself
- ICancelAccountListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.callback
- ICheckAccountCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- Account information verification callback.
- ICheckActivatorTokenExpireListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.config
- ICheckDevAcitveStatusByToken - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.config
- ICheckDevActiveStatusByTokenListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.config
- ICommonConfigCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface Common config callback.
- ICommRodSchemaListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- IConditionService - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- Scenario condition capability
- IConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.config
- Describes the network configuration - related operational interfaces.
- IConnectListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.config
- AP distribution network and ThingLink distribution network monitoring Created by mikeshou on 15/8/13.
- IDevActiveAddListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IDevCloudControl - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- Publish command by internet, combine HTTP and MQTT.
- IDevExtendListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The device status change listener.
- IDeviceDpParser - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api
- create by dongdaqingmibo 2023/8/29 14:56
- IDeviceHardwareResponseListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- Local area network message response listener.
- IDeviceListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The agent of IDevListener
- IDeviceMqttProtocolListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- MQTT protocol listener.
- IDeviceProperty - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache
- Depends on the cached data, the corresponding reference will be cached during initialization.
- IDeviceProperty.DevUpgradeStatus - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- IDeviceProperty.OtaModuleBean - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- IDeviceService - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- Scenario Device Capability
- IDevListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The device status change listener.
- IDevModel - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Created by mikeshou on 15/6/3.
- IDevSceneListUpdateListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- create by nielev on 2020-01-07
- IDevUpdateListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The device status change listener.
- IDiscoverBonjourService - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.api
- Created by huguang on 06-17-2022
- IDiscoveryListener - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.activator
- Created by huguang on 03-29-2023
- IDiscoveryServiceListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by huguang on 06-23-2022
- IDpEventAnalysis - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by huguang on 03-11-2024
- IDpParser - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api
- create by dongdaqingmibo 2023/8/29 14:56
- IDynamicDiscoveryListener - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.activator
- Created by huguang on 04-13-2023
- IEnumDp - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api
- create by dongdaqingmibo 2023/8/29 15:31
- IEventCenter - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IExecuteService - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- Scenario execution capability
- IExtDevListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The device status change listener.
- IExtMultiModeActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IExtService - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- Scenario extend capability
- IGetCustomHomeWeather - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- The business layer obtains the weather information and transmits it to the equipment weather location from home Since the parameters of the weather are in multiple modes, the key value is not fixed, so use a json string
- IGetCustomLocationWeather - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- The business layer obtains the weather information and transmits it to the equipment weather from location Since the parameters of the weather are in multiple modes, the key value is not fixed, so use a json string
- IGetDataPointStatCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.api
- Deprecated.
- IGetDevicesInGroupCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by lee on 16/6/22.
- IGetDevsFromGroupByPidCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by lee on 16/6/22.
- IGetGroupAlarmCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by lee on 16/6/22.
- IGetGroupAndDevListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Created by letian on 2017/7/12.
- IGetHomeWeather - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- The business layer obtains the weather information and transmits it to the equipment weather location from home
- IGetHomeWetherCallBack - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Get home weather data callback.
- IGetLocationWeather - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- The business layer obtains the weather information and transmits it to the equipment weather from location
- IGetMeshRoomAndGroupListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Created by letian on 2017/7/12.
- IGetQRCodeTokenCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface Get qr code token callback.
- IGetQRDeviceInfoCallBack - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface Get qr device info callback.
- IGetRegionCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface Get region callback.
- IGetSubDevListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by letian on 2017/12/6.
- IGetWeather - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- The business layer obtains the weather information and transmits it to the equipment
- IGroupDevCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- The interface Group dev callback.
- IGroupListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The group status change listener.
- IGroupProperty - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache
- IGwAddDevices - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.bean
- IGwConfigListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.config
- Created by letian on 2017/12/6.
- IGwSearchListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Gateway device search interface class.
- IHighwayTokenCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface Highway Token callback.
- IHomeCacheManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- The cache manager of the home relationship.
- IHomePatchCacheManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- ProjectName: ThingHomeKitSdk Description: home patch data manager CreateDate: 2020/11/23 5:58 PM
- IHostAddressListener - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.api
- IIGetHomeWetherSketchCallBack - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Get home summary weather data callback.
- ILightDp - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api
- create by dongdaqingmibo 2023/8/31 10:43
- ILightDp.Companion - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api.ILightDp
- ILinkage - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.linkage
- ILocalQueryGroupDevCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.callback
- Created by zhusg on 2018/10/16.
- ILoginCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface describes user login results.
- ILoginSuccessListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.callback
- ILogoutCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface describes the result of the user logging out.
- ILogoutSuccessListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.callback
- ILogService - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- Scene logging capability
- IMatterActivator - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.activator
- IMatterAttributeCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IMatterBridge - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.activator
- matter support
- IMatterConnectedCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IMatterDeviceNetworkCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IMatterDiscoveryActivator - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.activator
- Created by huguang on 04-13-2023
- IMatterModel - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.api
- IMatterNsdDiscoverListener - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.api
- Created by huguang on 06-13-2022
- IMatterSupport - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.activator
- IMatterSupportCallback - class in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.api
- IMeshActionTransmitter - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- IMeshAdvPreControl - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.advertise
- Mesh beacon 预控类,不建议再使用,可以使用IThingBleBeaconPreCtrl
- IMeshAdvTransmitter - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.advertise
- IMeshCommonControl - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh
- author : yuzhouxu date : 2021/6/9 14:09 description :mesh Functions related to equipment control and monitoring
- IMeshDataAnalysis - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh
- IMeshDeviceListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Callback for device reporting data.
- IMeshDeviceRssiCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- IMeshDevListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Callback for device reporting data.
- IMeshDevListenerV2 - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- IMeshDevListenerV3 - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- IMeshEventHandler - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- IMeshLocalController - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh
- author : yuzhouxu date : 2021/7/7 20:50 description :mesh local Control
- IMeshManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- author : yuzhouxu date : 2021/6/1 11:34 description :Mesh service related functions
- IMeshRegister - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IMeshStateControl - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh
- IMeshStatusListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Get mesh device online status.
- IMqttDeliveryToken - class in com.thingclips.smart.mqttclient.mqttv3
- Provides a mechanism for tracking the delivery of a message.
- IMqttServer - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.mqtt
- Enables an android application to communicate with an MQTT server.
- IMqttServerStatusCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.mqtt
- MQTT connect status callback.
- IMultiModeActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Interface activator of multi-mode device.
- IMultiModeActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Listener for activator of multi-mode device.
- IMultiModeParallelActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IMultiModeParallelExtListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IMultiModeParallelListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- inConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.ISigMeshConnect
- inConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.ISigMeshPreCtrl
- INeedLoginListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by letian on 16/7/9.
- infraredPublishDps(String,String,String,IResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingDevice
- The infrared device sends commands to the device
- infraredPublishDps(String,String,String,IResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterDevice
- The infrared device sends commands to the device
- infraredPublishDps(String,String,String,IResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice
- The infrared device sends commands to the device
- infraredPublishDps(String,String,String,IResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterOperation
- The infrared device sends commands to the device
- infraredPublishDps(String,String,String,String,IResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service.IExecuteService
- Infrared device control
- infraredPublishDps(String,String,String,String,IResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.scene.lib.util.DeviceUtil
- Device control only for infrared devices
- init() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterDevicePlugin
- INIT - enum entry in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.bean.MeshClientStatusEnum
- init() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api.IThingDevicePlugin
- initCloudConfig(String,IThingCloudConfigCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.sweeper.IThingSweeper
- init oss cloud config
- initFabric(Context,long,IThingDataCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterFabricManager
- initMesh(String,boolean) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.IThingMeshManager
- Init mesh status listeners from server and mqtt.
- initMesh(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api.IMeshManager
- Initialize mesh network
- initMesh(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api.IThingBlueMeshClient
- Init mesh status listeners from server and mqtt.
- initMesh(String,boolean) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api.IThingBlueMeshClient
- initMesh(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api.IThingBlueMeshInit
- initMesh(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api.IThingSigMeshClient
- Init mesh status listeners from server and mqtt.
- initMesh(String,boolean) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api.IThingSigMeshClient
- initSigMesh(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.IThingMeshManager
- Init mesh status listeners from server and mqtt.
- InnerScanResponse - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.scanner
- int2TwoBytes(int) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.ByteProcessingUtil
- intentSenderRequest(IntentSender,IThingMatterSupportIntentCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterSupportIntent
- interceptPublish(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt.IThingMqttServiceInterceptListener
- interceptRegisterListener() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt.IThingMqttServiceInterceptListener
- interceptRegisterMqttCallback() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt.IThingMqttServiceInterceptListener
- interceptSubscribe(Array) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt.IThingMqttServiceInterceptListener
- interceptUnRegisterListener() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt.IThingMqttServiceInterceptListener
- interceptUnSubscribe(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt.IThingMqttServiceInterceptListener
- intranetControl(String,IResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.IDevModel
- Is LAN control
- intToByte2(int) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.ByteProcessingUtil
- intToByte2_LE(int) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.ByteProcessingUtil
- intToByte4(int) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.ByteProcessingUtil
- intToByte4_LE(int) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.ByteProcessingUtil
- INumDp - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api
- create by dongdaqingmibo 2023/8/29 15:33
- inviteShare(String,String,String,IThingResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.IThingHomeDeviceShare
- Send a device sharing invitation.
- invokeOnCancellation(BluetoothGatt) - function in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.api.MatterConnectCallback
- IOperationalDeviceDiscoveryListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IOptimizedApConnectListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.config
- IOptimizedConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.config
- IP4SuperSecurityAction - class in com.thingclips.sdk.ble.core.protocol.api
- IParallelActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IPollDevByToken - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.config
- IProperty - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.condition.property
- Created by Kunyang.Lee on 2017/9/8.
- IPropertyCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.api
- Created by letian on 15/7/2.
- IQurryDomainCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface Qurry domain callback.
- IRecommendService - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- Scene recommendation ability
- IRegisterCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- User registration result callback interface.
- IReNickNameCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- Nickname modification callback.
- IRequestCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Deprecated.
- IRequestMeshListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Request ThingMesh device info.
- IRequestSigMeshListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Request SIGMesh device info.
- IRequestUpgradeInfoCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- upgrade check callback
- IResetPasswordCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface Reset password callback.
- IRestfulUrlConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service
- ProjectName: home-sdk-scenelib Description: restful 融合网关接口 CreateDate: 2023/3/7 10:58 上午
- IResultCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Result callback.
- IResultCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api
- Callback
- IResultWithDataCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- is433SubDev() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the current device is a 433 sub-device
- is433SubDev() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- is433Wifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the current device is a 433 gateway device
- is433Wifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isAck() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.GenericAction
- isAck() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.GenericOnOffAction
- isAck() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.MeshAction
- isAck() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.SearchForGenericAction
- isAck() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.VendorAction
- isAck() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.VendorDpAction
- isAdmin() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.HomeBean
- isAdmin() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.MemberBean
- isAdmin() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.MemberWrapperBean
- isAlarm() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.MessageHasNew
- whether alarm or not
- isAll() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.bean.BlueMeshLinkageBean
- isAllDeviceDpOk(String,Map) - function in com.thingclips.smart.scene.lib.util.DeviceUtil
- Judging all the actions to be executed, whether the dp state is ok
pair-first true, pair-second is empty map
pair-first false, pair-second is the map of dp that is not the target state
- isAllDevIds() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.message.DeviceAlarmNotDisturbVO
- To mark that whether is all device id
- isAllModeWR(String,Map) - function in com.thingclips.smart.scene.lib.util.DeviceUtil
- Judging all the actions to be executed, whether the dp is only issued but not reported<p>1.
- isAsInitialPassword() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.bean.UserToB
- isAttachToMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.CommissioningParameters
- isAuth() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.RoomAuthBean
- isAuth() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneAuthBean
- isAutoAccept() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.MemberWrapperBean
- isAutoConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.builder.BleConnectBuilder
- get autoConnect setting
- isAutoConnect() - function in com.thingclips.sdk.ble.core.ability.options.BleConnectParams
- isAutoSharing() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.ShareSentUserDetailBean
- isAutoSharing
- isBasicCommissioningMethod() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.MatterDiscoveryInfo
- isBeacon() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the device has Beacon communication capability.
- isBeacon() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductBean
- Determine whether the current product has only Beacon protocol
- isBeaconGroup() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.GroupBean
- isBeaconLocalOnline(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.IThingBeaconManager
- Get thing's Beacon Device online status.
- isBelongGateway() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ThingMatterDeviceBean
- isBigDataLocalProcess(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.OnDataLocalProcessingListener
- big data channel, determined the data is permitted to goto 他和 cloud
- isBind() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.ThirdBleScanDeviceBuilder
- isBleLocalOnline(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.IThingBleManager
- Get the device‘s local online status
- isBleLocalOnlineByMaster(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.IThingBleManager
- isBleMesh() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Please use isBlueMesh and isSigMesh replace.
- isBleMesh() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isBleMeshWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Please use isBlueMeshWifi and isSigMeshWifi replace.
- isBleMeshWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isBleSupported() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.IThingBleOperator
- Does the phone support Bluetooth
- isBlueMesh() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether it has Bluetooth Mesh (Thing) capability.
- isBlueMesh() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isBlueMeshWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether it is a blue mesh gateway.
- isBlueMeshWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isBluetooth() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the device has Bluetooth communication capability.
- isBluetooth() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductBean
- Determine whether the current product has only Bluetooth protocol
- isBluetooth() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isBluetoothOpened() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.BluetoothPermissionUtil
- isBluetoothOpened() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.IThingBleOperator
- is phone bluetooth open
- isBoundForPanel() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean
- isBoundForWiFiPanel() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean
- isCached() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean
- isCanUseMqttQuic() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.config.bean.MqttConnectConfig
- isCanUseSSL() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.config.bean.MqttConnectConfig
- isCapabilityEnable(int,int) - function in com.thingclips.sdk.ble.core.protocol.entity.SupportType
- isCapabilityValueEnable(int) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.MatterFeatureInfo
- ISceneService - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api
- Scenario capability
- isChangeSpace() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.config.bean.ActiveQRTokenBean
- isChecked() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.GroupDeviceBean
- Device selected status in the group.
- isChecked() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.GroupDeviceRespBean
- Device selected status in the group.
- isChoose() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.message.MessageBean
- Whether choose or not
- isChoose() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.PlaceFacadeBean
- isCloudBind() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ThreadNetworkInfoBean
- isCloudOffline(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api.IThingBlePlugin
- isCloudOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.IThingBlueMesh
- Get cloud online status.If both bluetooth and wifi modules are included and device is cloud onlie ,then return true.
- isCloudOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the device is online in the cloud.
- isCloudOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ThingMatterDeviceBean
- isCloudOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isCloudOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.IThingBlueMeshDevice
- Get cloud online status.If both bluetooth and wifi modules are included and device is cloud onlie ,then return true.
- isCloudOnline(DeviceBean,Boolean) - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.IThingDeviceOperate
- isCloudOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DeviceRespBean
- isCloudOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.IDevModel
- Is cloud on line
- isConfigEnable(int) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.MatterFeatureInfo
- isConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.ISigMeshConnect
- isConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.ISigMeshPreCtrl
- isConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.config.api.IThingGetBaseConfig
- isConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.event.MqttConnectStatusEventModel
- isConnectAndPaired() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.IThingBluetoothFlow
- isConnected() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.IThingBleCommRodCtrl
- Get the connection status of the current device当前状态是否连接
- isContinuous() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.bean.BlueMeshLinkageBean
- isContinuous() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.bean.MeshConditionLinkageData
- isControl() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ThingMatterDeviceBean
- isDataUpdated(String,int,int) - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.mqtt.MqttMessageRespParseListener
- Whether the message updated
- isDecodeRawed() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.GroupRespBean
- Get whether a data point has been resolved into raw data.
- isDefaultRegion() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.bean.Domain
- isDefaultRegion() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.bean.DomainExBean
- isDevDelMark() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneTask
- isDevDelMark() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneCondition
- isDeviceConnected(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.IThingBleController
- 判定设备是否连接
- isDeviceDpOk(String,Map) - function in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service.IExtService
- Determine whether the real dp state of the device is the same as the state to be set
- isDeviceDpOk(String,Map) - function in com.thingclips.smart.scene.lib.util.DeviceUtil
- Determine whether the real dp state of the device is the same as the state to be set
- isDeviceInOta(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.IThingBleManager
- isDevOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.GroupDeviceRespBean
- Get device online status, combine local online and cloud online status.
- isDevOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneTask
- isDirectConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.builder.BleConnectBuilder
- get direct connect settings @see setDirectConnect()
- isDiscovered(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterDeviceConnectManager
- Whether the specified device is discovered by dns-sdDeprecated, use isOnline instead
- isEditable() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.FunctionDataPoint
- isEnable() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.MultiControlBean.GroupDetailBean
- isEnabled() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.OffLineStatusBean
- isEnabled() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.DeviceMultiControlRelationBean.McGroupsBean
- isEnabled() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.DeviceMultiControlRelationBean.McGroupsBean.GroupDetailBean
- isEnabled() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.MultiControlLinkBean.MultiGroupBean
- isEnabled() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.MultiControlLinkBean.MultiGroupBean.GroupDetailBean
- isEnabled() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean
- isEncrypt() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- isEncrypt() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isEnhanceCommissioningMethod() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.MatterDiscoveryInfo
- isExpirePics() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.message.MessageBean
- Whether pics is expire
- isExpireVideos() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.message.MessageBean
- Whether video is expire
- isFamily() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.MessageHasNew
- whether family or not
- isFastConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.GenericAction
- isFastConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.GenericOnOffAction
- isFastConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.MeshAction
- isFastConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.SearchForGenericAction
- isFastConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.VendorAction
- isFastConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.VendorDpAction
- isFlagValueEnable(int) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.MatterFeatureInfo
- isFromCloud() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt.MqttMessageBean
- Get whether the message is from cloud
- isFromCloud() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.confusebean.MQ_47_GroupDpsUpdateBean
- isFromCloud() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.event.DpUpdateEventModel
- isFromCloud() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.event.ZigbeeSubDevDpUpdateEventModel
- isGwOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.GroupDeviceRespBean
- Get gateway online status.
- isHasBleCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the device has BLE(bluetooth low energy) communication capability
- isHasBleCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isHasDefaultValue() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.privacy.PrivacyAuthorizationBean
- Whether data authorization has not been set
- isHasDelJob() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.bean.UserToB
- isHasDevice() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.SpeechGuideBean
- is has device
- isHasHttpCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the device has HTTP communication capability
- isHasHttpCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isHasLanCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the device has LAN communication capability
- isHasLanCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isHasMqttCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the device has mqtt communication capability
- isHasMqttCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isHasNotRead() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.message.MessageBean
- Whether not read
- isHasSigmeshCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the device has Bluetooth Mesh (SIG) communication capability
- isHasSigmeshCommunication() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isHidedDeviceGroupByCache(Long,String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.home.IThingHomeDataLocalCache
- get the cache list of device and group with hide tag
- isHomeAdmin(long) - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.IHomeCacheManager
- get home isAdmin based on homeid
- isHomeAdmin(long) - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.IThingHomeDataManager
- get home isAdmin based on homeid
- ISigMeshConnect - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- ISigMeshControl - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh
- author : yuzhouxu date : 2021/4/9 16:40 description :Independent functions of blue mesh device
- ISigMeshCreateCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Callback for create SIGMesh result.
- ISigMeshManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Provide SigMeshBean operation interface.
- ISigMeshPreCtrl - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.precontrol
- ISigMeshProperty - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache
- ISigMeshRssi - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh
- The principle of obtaining the rssi of the configured network sigMesh is to scan the NetworkIdentity or NodeIdentity of the configured network broadcast packet.
- isInActivating() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.IThingBluetoothFlow
- isInConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.IMeshCommonControl
- isInConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.ISigMeshControl
- isInConfig() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.IThingMeshControl
- isInfraredSubDev() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the current device is a infrared sub-device
- isInfraredSubDev() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isInfraredSubDevDisplayInList() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductBean
- Determine whether the infrared sub-device is displayed on the homepage.
- isInfraredWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the current device is a infrared gateway device
- isInfraredWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isInRule() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.MultiControlDevInfoBean
- isIntranetControl() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.IDevModel
- Is LAN control
- isInvalid() - function in com.thingclips.smart.bluet.api.BeaconFilterSetting
- isKeepSession() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.SpeechTTSBean
- isKeepSession() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.confusebean.MQ_501_TTSMsgBean
- isKeepSession() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.VoiceCommandBean
- keep session
- isLinkageOpen() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.bean.LinkageHash
- Determines whether the linkage configuration corresponding to the hash is enabled.
- isLinkageOpen() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.bean.MeshLinkageHash
- Determines whether the linkage configuration corresponding to the hash is enabled.
- isLocalDevice() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- 是否是本地直连设备
- isLocalDirectOnline(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.IThingDeviceOperate
- isLocalLinkage() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean
- isLocalOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.BlueMeshSubDevBean
- isLogin() - function in com.thingclips.sdk.user.model.IThingUser
- Whether to login.
- isLogin() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api.IBaseUser
- isLogin() - function in com.thingclips.sdk.user.model.IUser
- Whether to login.
- ISmartCacheManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.cache
- ISmartCacheManager.Entity - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.cache.ISmartCacheManager
- ISmartCacheManager.Relation - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.cache.ISmartCacheManager
- ISmartStatusChangeListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.cache
- ISmartStatusManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.cache
- ISmartUpdateListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by nielev on 18/7/30.
- isMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- 是否是Matter设备,包含涂鸦Matte与三方Matter
- isMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DeviceRespBean
- 是否是Matter设备,包含涂鸦Matte与三方Matter
- isMatterOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterDevice
- isMatterOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice
- isMatterOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterOperation
- isMeshActivatorAutoOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.bean.SigMeshGlobalConfiguration
- isMeshAdd() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.confusebean.MQ_35_MeshUpdateBean
- isMeshLocalOnLine() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.IMeshCommonControl
- Query local online status of mesh
- isMeshLocalOnLine() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.ISigMeshControl
- Query local online status of mesh
- isMeshLocalOnLine() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.IThingMeshControl
- Query local online status of mesh
- isMeshLocalOnLine(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.IThingMeshManager
- Determine whether the mesh network is online
- isModeWR(String,Map) - function in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api.service.IExtService
- Determine whether the device dp is a write-only type
- isModeWR(String,Map) - function in com.thingclips.smart.scene.lib.util.DeviceUtil
- Determine whether it is Write-Only authority
- isMqttConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingDevice
- Whether the MQTT is connected.
- isMqttConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingGateway
- Whether the MQTT is connected.
- isMqttConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterDevice
- Whether the MQTT is connected.
- isMqttConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice
- Whether the MQTT is connected.
- isMqttConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterOperation
- Whether the MQTT is connected.
- isMqttRealConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.camera.api.IThingHomeCamera
- isNeedMatchUUID() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.LeScanSetting
- isNeedPullEncKey() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.message.MessageBean
- Whether need pull encrypt key to decrypt image
- isNeedUpgrade() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductCloudFileBean
- isNeedUpgrade() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.bean.BLEUpgradeInfoBean
- isNewColorData() - function in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api.ILightDp
- isNewLocalScene() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean
- isNewSecurity() - function in com.thingclips.sdk.ble.core.protocol.entity.ConnectOpt
- isNotification() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.MessageHasNew
- whether notification or not
- isOfflineReminder() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.IsSupportOffLineBean
- isOldSecurity() - function in com.thingclips.sdk.ble.core.protocol.entity.ConnectOpt
- isOnline(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterDeviceConnectManager
- Whether the specified device is online
- isOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.GroupDeviceBean
- Get device online status, combine local online and cloud online status.
- isOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.event.DeviceOnlineStatusEventModel
- isOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingSingleTransfer
- Whether MQTT is connected to server.
- isOpen() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.message.GenericOnOffAction
- isOpenProxy() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- isOpenRelay() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- isParamLegal() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.audio.LEAudioAlarmClockRequest
- isProductCompatibled() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductStandardConfig
- Is the product compatible.
- isProductCompatibled() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.StandSchema
- whether product is compatible
- isProxyOpen() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- isQuic() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.config.bean.MqttConnectConfig.ConnectMethod
- isRealConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.mqtt.IMqttServer
- Determines if this client is currently connected to the server.
- isRelayOpen() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- isRelyCloud() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.config.bean.ConfigErrorRespBean
- isRelyCloud() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.confusebean.Protocol_33_Bean
- isRelyCloud() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.ActiveDmDeviceBean
- isRemoteBindPubAddress() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DeviceRespBean.BusinessResponse
- isRepeatFilter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.LeScanSetting
- isRequired() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.MultiControlDataPointsBean
- isResponseSuccess() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.RouterConfigData
- isResponseSuccess() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ConnectTypeBean
- isResult() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.BeaconAuthBean
- isRnFind() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.BlueMeshSubDevBean
- isRoam() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.ScanDeviceBean
- isSecurityNeedUpdate() - function in com.thingclips.sdk.ble.core.protocol.entity.ConnectOpt
- isSel() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.RoomBean
- isSelected() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.MultiControlDataPointsBean
- isServerConnect() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.IThingServer
- Whether MQTT is connected to server.
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.BlueMeshBean
- Get is shared by others
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.BlueMeshShareBean
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.SigMeshBean
- Get is shared by others
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.GroupBean
- Is share boolean.
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.GroupShareBean
- Get whether the group is shared.
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IBlueMeshProperty
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IGroupProperty
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.ISigMeshProperty
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api.ScanDeviceBean
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DeviceRespBean.ShareInfoModule
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.GroupRespBean
- Is share boolean.
- isShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.DeviceShareBean
- isShare
- isSigMesh() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether it has Bluetooth Mesh (SIG) capability.
- isSigMesh() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isSigMeshWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether it is a Bluetooth Mesh (SIG) gateway.
- isSigMeshWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isSingleBle() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the current device is a single-point Bluetooth device.
- isSingleBle() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isSsl() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.config.bean.MqttConnectConfig.ConnectMethod
- isStandard() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.GroupBean
- Get code describe is standard data point.
- isStandard() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductBean
- Determine whether it is a standard product
- isStandard() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IGroupProperty
- isStandard() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.GroupRespBean
- Get code describe is standard data point.
- isStandard() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.confusebean.MQ_47_GroupDpsUpdateBean
- isStandarded() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.MultiControlDataPointsBean
- isStandardProduct(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingDeviceListManager
- isStandardProduct(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api.IThingHomeDataManager
- Determine whether it is standard device.
- isStatus() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.bean.MultiControlDataPointsBean
- isStickyOnTop() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.scene.SceneBean
- isSubscribe() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterDevice
- isSubscribe() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice
- isSubscribe() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterOperation
- isSubscribe(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.mqtt.IMqttServer
- 是否已经订阅
- isSuccess() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.RouterConfigData
- isSuccess() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ConnectTypeBean
- isSuccess() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.bean.BeaconBatchCheckBean
- isSuccess() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.event.BlueMeshGroupUpdateEventModel
- isSupportAuto() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DeviceRespBean.OTAMoulde
- isSupportAutoUpgrade() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Is device support auto upgrade.
- isSupportAutoUpgrade() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isSupportBW(int) - function in com.thingclips.sdk.ble.core.protocol.entity.SupportType
- isSupportEthernet(int) - function in com.thingclips.sdk.ble.core.protocol.entity.SupportType
- support ethernet
- isSupportGateway() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.builder.MeshLocalGroupBuilder
- isSupportGroup() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.BlueMeshSubDevBean
- isSupportGroup() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- isSupportGroup() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductBean
- Determine whether to support groups
- isSupportGroup() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isSupportGroup() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DevResp
- IsSupportOffLineBean - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean
- isSupportProxyAndRelay() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- isSupportSGroup() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductBean
- Determine whether to support standard groups
- isSupportThingModelDevice() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- IStandardConverter - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- isTempShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.BlueMeshBean
- Not use
- isTempShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.BlueMeshShareBean
- isTempShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.SigMeshBean
- Not use
- isTempShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IBlueMeshProperty
- isTempShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.ISigMeshProperty
- isTempShare() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.DeviceShareBean
- isTempShare
- isThingMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterDevice
- whether the specified device is thing matter device
- isThingMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice
- whether the specified device is thing matter device
- isThingMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterOperation
- whether the specified device is thing matter device
- isThingMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- 是否是涂鸦体系的Matter 设备
- isThingMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ThingMatterDiscovery
- isThingMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ThingMatterDeviceBean
- isThingMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DeviceRespBean
- 是否是涂鸦体系的Matter 设备
- isThingMeshCloudOnline() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isThingMeshCloudOnline(DeviceBean) - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.IThingDeviceOperate
- Get thing mesh gateway cloud online status.
- isThread() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductBean
- Determine whether the product is Thread protocol .
- isThreadDeviceCanAttachedToMatter(String,IThingDataCallback) - function in com.thingclips.sdk.matter.activator.IMatterSupport
- isThreadGwDev() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the current device is a thread gateway device
- isThreadSubDev() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the current device is a thread sub device
- IStorageCache - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Local storage data model interface.
- IStringDp - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api
- create by dongdaqingmibo 2023/8/29 15:32
- isTripartiteMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- 是否是三方 Matter 设备
- isTripartiteMatter() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DeviceRespBean
- 是否是三方 Matter 设备
- ISubDevListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- isUpdateDpsToCache() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.bean.ThirdDpsUpdate
- isUpdateDpsToCloud() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.bean.ThirdDpsUpdate
- isUpdateDpsToLocal() - function in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.bean.ThirdDpsUpdate
- isVideo() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.message.MessageAttach
- Whether video or not
- isVirtual() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the current device is a virtual device
- isVirtual() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isVirtual() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DeviceRespBean
- isVirtualExperience() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- isVirtualExperience() - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device.bean.DeviceRespBean
- isWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.ProductBean
- Determine whether the current product has only wifi protocol
- isWifiDevice() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the device is a wifi device.
- isWifiDevice() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- ISwitch - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api
- create by dongdaqingmibo 2023/8/29 14:57
- ISwitch.Companion - class in com.thingclips.smart.dp.parser.api.ISwitch
- isYuDeviceOnline(String) - function in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api.IThingDevicePlugin
- isZigbeeInstallCode() - function in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.bean.DeviceBizPropBean
- isZigBeeSubDev() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether the current device is a zigbee sub-device
- isZigBeeSubDev() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- isZigBeeWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.DeviceBean
- Determine whether it is a zigbee gateway.
- isZigBeeWifi() - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.bean.cache.IDeviceProperty
- IThingActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Activation of operational interface class.
- IThingActivatorCreateToken - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Create activation token interface class.
- IThingActivatorGetToken - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Callback to get the activation token.
- IThingAPConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.hardware
- IThingApDirectlyConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.hardware
- ap-免配网接口
- IThingAudioManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- IThingAudioManager.AudioCategory - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.IThingAudioManager
- IThingBeaconManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- Beacon operate manager.
- IThingBleAbility - class in com.thingclips.sdk.ble.core.ability
- IThingBleBeaconPreCtrl - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- 统一对外的 ble-beacon 预控接口
- IThingBleBeaconPreCtrlKt - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- IThingBleCommRodCtrl - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- Due to certain scene conditions, mobile phones and devices cannot connect to the Internet, but some parameters need to be set for the device, so the device needs to be operated offline.
- IThingBleConfigListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- Device activation callback
- IThingBleConnectService - class in com.thingclips.smart.bluet.api
- 专为全屋场景设计,可以避免业务层深入了解不同设备的连接策略,比如网关心跳、ble连接、持续连接、网关优先等各种特定逻辑 对开发者和商业场景不开放使用文档。
- IThingBleController - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- IThingBleFittingsManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.bluet.api
- IThingBleGateway - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- IThingBleManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- Thing BLE operate manager.
- IThingBleOperator - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- BLE operate manager.
- IThingBlePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingBlueMesh - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- ThingMesh device operation interface.
- IThingBlueMeshActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Provision and bind device interface.
- IThingBlueMeshActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- sig mesh device activate listener
- IThingBlueMeshBusiness - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- Get information about devices in the home.
- IThingBlueMeshClient - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- The interface of thingmesh connection management.
- IThingBlueMeshConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- Mesh provisioning interface.
- IThingBlueMeshDevice - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- Provide functions to operate mesh device.
- IThingBlueMeshGroup - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- Only for ThingMesh, interfaces for operating groups.
- IThingBlueMeshInit - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- IThingBlueMeshOta - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- Mesh device firmware upgrade interface.
- IThingBlueMeshPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingBlueMeshSearch - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- Created by letian on 2017/8/16.
- IThingBlueMeshSearchListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- Created by letian on 2017/8/16.
- IThingBlueServicePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.bluet.api
- IThingBluetoothFlow - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.api
- Tripartite agreement.
- IThingBroadbandConfigListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingBroadbandConnectTypeListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingByteDataListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.sweeper
- Listen for map data streams.
- IThingCachePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.cache
- IThingCameraDevActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Camera activation of operational interface class.
- IThingCameraPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingCloudConfigCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.sweeper
- Callback of Thing cloud config.
- IThingConnectDeviceCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by huguang on 04-19-2023
- IThingDataCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Common data callback
- IThingDelHistoryCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.sweeper
- Delete historical map callbacks.
- IThingDevActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- A listener for lighting device activation.
- IThingDevDirectActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingDevEventListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingDevice - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Provides device related operations, like device control, status change monitoring, rename, firmware upgrade, remove, factory reset and so on.
- IThingDeviceActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Interface class for device activation functions.
- IThingDeviceActivatorPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingDeviceBizPropBeanListManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- ProjectName: ThingHomeKitSdk Description: Device business attribute list management abstraction.
- IThingDeviceCommunicationListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingDeviceConnectManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- IThingDeviceDataCacheManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- Created by letian on 2017/10/13.
- IThingDeviceDataManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingDeviceDpChangeListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingDeviceInfoChangeListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingDeviceListManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by letian on 16/6/22.
- IThingDeviceMessageManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingDeviceMultiControl - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.device.api
- Equipment control more.
- IThingDeviceOnlineStatusListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingDeviceOperate - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- Device online status.
- IThingDeviceOperator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingDevicePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingDeviceSharePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- Created by daozhi on 2021/07/28
- IThingDeviceUpgradeStatusCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Create by blitzfeng on 2019-08-14
- IThingDeviceUpgradeStatusCallback.UpgradeStatusEnum - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback.IThingDeviceUpgradeStatusCallback
- IThingDeviceUpgradeStatusExtCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Expand device upgrade interface.
- IThingDevListCacheManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingDirectActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingDirectlyDeviceActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingDpsUpdateManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingExtBlueMeshOta - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- Mesh device firmware upgrade interface.
- IThingEZConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.hardware
- Created by letian on 2017/3/2.
- IThingFeedback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by blitzfeng on 2018/6/20.
- IThingFeedbackMag - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by Kunyang.Lee on 2017/9/13.
- IThingFeedbackManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by Kunyang.Lee on 2017/9/12.
- IThingFittings - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- 配件注册监听器 这里说明下: 注册配件监听器,SDK设备端上报到鉴权/检查的动作,然后解析成对应的T, T代表配件的具体信息 需要带有设备标志devId, 具体的操作步骤cmd,包含auth,check、delete等 需要认证的设备mac 认证信息s1 群组group 群组操作结果,true 成功;false 失败。比如 删除成功;订阅失败;查询失败等 result 业务层根据T去判断要调用鉴权接口还是检查接口, 返回结果通过sendFittingsData发送给sdk 删除配件,业务层直接调用云端接口,然后将结果通过 sendFittingsData发送给sdk 不同的能力,均需要实现该接口
- IThingGateway - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The gateway class encapsulates the related operations of the Zigbee gateway, including controlling, querying sub-devices, and monitoring the status of the sub-devices.
- IThingGeoFence - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingGeoFenceOperate - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingGeoFenceOperate.InitialTrigger - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingGeoFenceOperate
- IThingGeoFenceOperatePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingGeoFencePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingGetBaseConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.config.api
- IThingGetBeanCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Server response callback.
- IThingGetHomeListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Get family list data callback.
- IThingGetMemberListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Get family member list data callback.
- IThingGetRoomListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Get family room list data callback.
- IThingGroup - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Provides group related operations, like group control, status change monitoring, rename, add/remove device and so on.
- IThingGroupCache - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- The interface for manager Thing group cache.
- IThingGroupModel - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Interface for managing group creation and group device list acquisition and group control.
- IThingGroupPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- Interface that provides group module capabilities.
- IThingGwActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Gateway device activation operation interface class.
- IThingGwSearcher - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Gateway device search operation interface class.
- IThingHardwareOnlineStatusListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- Device LAN online status listener.
- IThingHardwarePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingHome - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Home Api.
- IThingHomeCamera - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.camera.api
- IThingHomeChangeListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Home Change Listener.
- IThingHomeDataLocalCache - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.home
- Home data local cache.
- IThingHomeDataManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Manage the cache of homes, rooms, groups, and devices.
- IThingHomeDeviceShare - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Provide ability of device sharing.
- IThingHomeDeviceStatusListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Device Status Listening.
- IThingHomeManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Home Manager.
- IThingHomeMember - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Provide the ability to manage family members.
- IThingHomePatch - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- ProjectName: ThingHomeKitSdk Description: .
- IThingHomePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- Home Plugin.
- IThingHomeRelationUpdateListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Create by qingchen on 2021/9/30
- IThingHomeResultCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Get Home detail callback.
- IThingHomeRoomInfoChangeExListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- IThingHomeRoomInfoChangeListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Room in Device Information change Listening.
- IThingHomeScene - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Created by Kunyang.Lee on 2017/9/6.
- IThingHomeSceneManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Created by Kunyang.Lee on 2017/9/4.
- IThingHomeSpeech - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Created by letian on 2018/3/29.
- IThingHomeStatusListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Home status listener.
- IThingInnerScanner - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble.scanner
- IThingLEAudioManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- IThingLightningActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Lightning device activation operation interface class.
- IThingLightningSearcher - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- IThingLightningSearchListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Lightning device search interface class.
- IThingLinkDeviceListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingLitePresenter - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingMatterAvailableWiFiListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingMatterConnectCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by huguang on 04-08-2023
- IThingMatterDevice - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingMatterDeviceCacheManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by huguang on 06-07-2022
- IThingMatterDeviceConnectManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Device online status.
- IThingMatterDevicePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingMatterDevicePlugin.DeviceControllerInitCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterDevicePlugin
- IThingMatterFabricManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by huguang on 06-07-2022
- IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice.MultipleFabricPasscode - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice
- IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice.SetupCodePayload - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.IThingMatterMultipleFabricDevice
- IThingMatterOperation - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by huguang on 08-21-2023
- IThingMatterSupportIntent - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingMatterSupportIntentCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingMemberResultCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Result callback for adding member.
- IThingMeshBatchDpUpdateListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingMeshCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- IThingMeshControl - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh
- author : yuzhouxu date : 2021/4/9 16:40 description :Independent functions of blue mesh device
- IThingMeshGroup - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Created by zhusg on 2019/5/20.
- IThingMeshManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh
- author : yuzhouxu date : 2021/6/9 17:20 description :
- IThingMeshRawReportListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingMeshService - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh
- Mesh service interface
- IThingMessage - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by Kunyang.Lee on 2017/9/12.
- IThingMqttChannel - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt
- Mqtt send and receive channels.
- IThingMqttInterceptListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt
- IThingMqttPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- MQTT plugin
- IThingMqttRetainChannelListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt
- MQTT message listener, listen to mqtt messages received by all devices
- IThingMqttServiceInterceptListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.mqtt
- Created by huguang on 11-13-2023
- IThingMultipleFabricCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by huguang on 05-23-2023
- IThingNewScenePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.scene.api
- Scene plugin
- IThingOptimizedActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingOptimizedApConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.hardware
- IThingPersonalCenterPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- Personal center plugin
- IThingProductPanelManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingPush - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by zsg on 17/8/16.
- IThingQRCodeDevActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingResultCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Server response callback.
- IThingResultListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.bluet.api
- IThingRoom - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Provides the ability to operate in the family room dimension.
- IThingRoomManager - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh
- Created by letian on 2017/7/11.
- IThingRoomResultCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Get family room list data callback.
- IThingRouterDiscoverListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingScenePlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingSDKStat - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingSearchDeviceListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- Created by letian on 2017/1/16.
- IThingServer - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Determine MQTT service connection status
- IThingSigMeshClient - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.blemesh.api
- The interface of sigmesh connection management.
- IThingSingleTransfer - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- IThingSmartActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- A listener for activation.
- IThingSmartAPSendInfoListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- TODO feature
- IThingSmartBroadbandActivator - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingSmartCameraActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- A listener for camera device activation.
- IThingSmartExtActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingSmartExtCameraActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingSmartQRCodeActivatorListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- IThingSmartRequest - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The server api calls the common function interface.
- IThingSubDeviceOnlineStatusListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.device
- IThingSweeper - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.sweeper
- The laser sweeper interface manifest.
- IThingSweeperByteDataListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.sweeper
- Listener when map data(path data) are received.
- IThingSweeperDataListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.sweeper
- Listening to map data.
- IThingSweeperNameUpdateCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.sweeper
- The renamed callback
- IThingSweeperPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IThingThirdProtocolDelegate - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- IThingThirdProtocolSupport - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.ble
- IThingTransferCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- Callback mqtt connect status.
- IThingUser - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- To manage user related operations, including but not limited to user registration, login, anonymous login, etc
- IThingUserAggregationPlugin - class in com.thingclips.sdk.user.api
- user aggregation plugin
- IThingUserListenerPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- Responsible for the account system status monitoring plug-in
- IThingUserPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- User plugin
- IThingVoiceTransfer - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.callback
- author : JulyYu date : 2019/5/6 Voice recognize MQTT manager add from 3.10.
- IThingWifiBackup - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.wifibackup.api
- Set backup Wi-Fi list.
- IThingWifiBase - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.wifibackup.api
- Wi-Fi backup common method.
- IThingWifiGroup - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The interface provides wifi group-related operations, including group creation, device query, and addition.
- IThingWifiSwitch - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.wifibackup.api
- Switch the device to new Wi-Fi.
- IThingWiredConfig - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.hardware
- IThingZigBeeConfigLocalSceneCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Created by letian on 2018/4/24.
- IThingZigbeeGroup - class in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api
- The interface provides zigbee group related operations, including device update, add, and remove.
- IThingZigBeeLocalScene - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- Created by letian on 2018/4/23.
- IThirdBindCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The third party bind result callback
- IUidLoginCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- The interface describes the UID registration login result.
- IUser - class in com.thingclips.sdk.user.model
- Created by mikeshou on 15/8/31.
- IUserCommonPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IUserDomainPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IUserGeneralBusiness - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- User general service
- IUserHighwayPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IUserRegionPlugin - class in com.thingclips.smart.interior.api
- IUserStorage - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- Provide operation interface for local storage of user information.
- IValidateCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- Captcha gets the callback interface.
- ivIndexReport(String,int,IResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.IThingBlueMesh
- upload iv index
- ivIndexReport(String,int,IResultCallback) - function in com.thingclips.smart.sdk.api.bluemesh.IThingBlueMeshDevice
- upload iv index
- IWarningMsgListener - class in com.thingclips.smart.home.sdk.api
- IWhiteListCallback - class in com.thingclips.smart.android.user.api
- Whitelist request callback